Peter studied for a Masters Degree in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and the Psychoses under Dr. Dianne LeFevre in Basildon, Essex.
He has a Post-
As with many counsellors and psychotherapists, Peter has become a practitioner after a career in other fields. In Peter’s case he has been a consultant in analytical techniques examining fluid mechanics, especially biomedical fluids as an alternative to animal testing. Latterly, the focus of his experience shifted to working as a forensic computer scientist and data recovery expert. While one may think that data recovery and psychotherapy are two widely differing subjects, they are not as diverse as one may think.
Peter: “Computers and people have remarkable similarities: They are both pre-
If our computer goes wrong we get it fixed and if we hurt ourselves physically, we seek help to mend the wound. But emotional or psychological problems are also part of us and need to be managed. We all have slightly odd or bizarre facets to our character and may think weird things or question our sanity – it’s a natural part of human behaviour; as are anxieties and concerns. It is when these thoughts start to impact on our lives and ability to function, that we need to consider some form of help in regaining control. In these situations, we shouldn’t be frightened or ashamed to acknowledge that we have a problem: A problem which may lead to longer term issues which could have been averted.
Blank computer screens, cuts and aches have no stigma associated with them but as a society we are inclined to shy away from anything which may imply a psychological disorder, in case we are perceived as ‘nuts’. We all need someone to talk to at various stages in our lives and seeking help from a trained and experienced therapist or counsellor should not be perceived as a failure or disgrace. It’s computers that fail or disgrace themselves! – people are very different. Computers can’t help themselves –
Finding a psychotherapist or counsellor that you feel comfortable with is paramount and clearly not everyone is an ideal match. You may even need to visit more than one to find someone you feel at ease with. So why should you select me….
Firstly, I am very mindful of how difficult taking this step can be, and I offer a calm and compassionate approach, while we gain an understanding of your concerns. Although my primary model is ‘psychodynamic’ which simply means that I try to explore and interpret the underlying causes underpinning what you are telling me, it is my view that no one technique suits all, and I draw on a variety of ‘models’ to help you in whichever way is appropriate: These may include CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Once we have revealed, talked-through and understood these root causes we can examine ways of dealing with the issues and moving forward. This is a very much a joint effort where we work together to help you through the troublesome episode and out the other side.
Secondly, my experience ranges from working with in-patients presenting severe psychotic disorders during my time at Basildon Hospital, through to self-referred ‘patients’ with anxieties and issues which simply affect their quality of life. Anxiety, in its various forms, can be distressing and is often self-managed by denial or pretence – unlikely to be successful. Let me help you deal with it effectively.”